Globalwarming awareness2007

Globalwarming awareness2007
2007 is the year for Globalwarming awareness2007 There is no more important cause than the call to action to save our planet We are all contributors to global warming and we all need to be part of the solution here are something you can do to help stop globalwarming Plant a tree of Garden. native plants are best as they will need less chemicals and water to maintain Conserve Using less amounts of gasoline, coal and oil buy a hybrid and get rid of the big SUV Use and buy energy-efficient home appliances and lighting which also helps you save money Recycle Reuse and Reduce use of products and resources Switch to double pane windows to reduce the use of your heater and air conditioner What is Global Warming? The Earth as ecosystem is changing very fast, attributable in great part by the effects of man and globalization. More and more carbon dioxide is being added to the atmosphere everyday than there has been in the past 600,000 years. Most of this comes from Cars and Trucks This carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere and acts like a blanket, holding in the heat and is causing ‘globalwarming.’ The reason life exist on earth is because the earth naturally traps just enough heat in the atmosphere to keep the temperature within a very narrow range - this creates the conditions that give us breathable air, clean water, and the weather we depend on to survive. Man has begun to tip this balance. We have overloaded the atmosphere with heat-trapping gasses from our cars and factories and power plants. If we don't start fixing this problem soon, we’re in for devastating changes to our natural environment. We will experience extreme temperatures changes, rises in sea levels, and storms of unimaginable destruction. Recently, alarming events that are consistent with scientific predictions about the effects of globalwarming have become more and more commonplace. globalwarming globalwarming awareness2007 SEO World Championship rule Your domain must be registered the same day or after January the 15th 2007 you must display a banner or link to You must follow Google Webmaters Guidelines


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